Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Looking forward to happy times!

Happy New Year!

I am sitting here writing to you feeling very reflective about the last year. 2009 was a great year for Cherie and I. We attended different schools and speaking engagements, met some fantastic authors, went to amazing book shows and grew our business. We hope your 2009 was a great year as well.
Now onward to 2010 and our new years resolutions. This is something most of us do on the eve of a new year and new beginning. How many times have we said the same resolution over and over again? Well this year will be different. A new decade marks a new start for all of us. 2009 was about saying goodbye to bad habits and behaviors. 2010 will be the start of new and exciting journeys for all of us.

The new year will bring about a couple of changes for Pinky and Peanut. We will be launching book three this year, No Boys Allowed and finishing up book four. Start looking for us in Barnes and Noble and other retailers.As you all know, you can order our book through these retailers. This is the year, we are looking forward to meeting with companies and stocking our series consistently. Last, look for weekly posts on our blog site. Cherie and I will be taking turns writing blogs for you as well as asking other contributing authors to chime in.

I have added a progression of pictures to our blog today. It is the evolution of two little girls named Pinky and Peanut. It's amazing how a little dreams have evolved into such a fun journey.

We wish you all the best in 2010. May all the dreams you set out to do this year come true. Please email us any questions or comments you have about our books or about having speaking engagements in your area.( We look forward to hearing from you.
Cheers to you all!
Deena Cook